Monday, February 5, 2007


I've been working on documentation the last few days, every time I do this it reminds me how hard this stuff is.

One of the fun aspects of running your own (small) business is that you are everything, CEO, coder, support, learning products (e.g. documentation). At my 'Day Job' I only have one role that usually doesn't involve writing customer facing documentation but at it's pretty much me (I've tried more than once to recruit my wife but she, oddly, expresses very little interest in writing docs)

Anyway one lesson I've learned from previous plugins is that after a product launches you are usually so busy doing support, bug fixes, etc. that you don't have time to work on docs. the intention is always to do it ("Oh, I'll release it and then do docs for the next few days") but it never seems to work out that way.

So this time I'm doing it different and trying to get relatively complete docs up before I release (novel concept, I know)

So for two days I've been working on them and man, it's like tough, First there is the actual content -- Writing something that actually makes sense and flows. Then there is the structure, what goes where and how to organize it and finally the formatting & graphics.

In most big bigger companies there are people who work on this full time, all day, and I now know why.


AceyTech said...

Weird concept.., doing the docs before release. That's Crazy Talk!

John said...

I know... Totally crazy....

Sundog said...

Documents, Documents! We don't need no stinking Documents! Who reads them anyway. It's not the "mans" way. . . (I don' ask for driving directions either...)

innerVision said...

I think it was probably a great idea AND it looks great.

For me it seems like you've thought of everything possible (well at a rather quick glance anyway ;)!

And just like sundog I'm not much for reading manuals but as I grow older (and wiser??) I sometimes realize that it CAN save you some time ;). Well, at least if the layout and quick flow is a great as RapidBlog's!

Congratulation John for doing a great job on this.

One thing though – the Accordion FAQ doesn't fit into your theme (checked with FF and Safari). It's to wide and the content is cut on the left side.

Anonymous said...

The great things about doing documentation is the process of discovering un-resolved issues with the product. I can't tell you how many times I've discovered fundamental "oh-shits" when preparing the documentation. Good documentation is hard to do, but worth it, at least for the few who actually RTFM.

Anonymous said...

Here was me, wondering who on earth you were writing documentation for, when there are 100s of us out here waitng for the **'*++** product. Now your last comment has solved everything - you're doing it for your own satisfaction!
Hurry it up!!