Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Going Quiet

I've been working on a major overhaul of RapidBlog -- Before you get too excited I need to be clear that (so far) the changes are all internal -- I'm completely re-doing my syncing & back end communications to blogger. The old engine actually worked pretty well but I had a defect come in (the dreaded 404/resource not found) and I spent about two days looking at the code for the best way to fix it. It was then I realized that
  1. I was scared to touch the code
  2. There were sections that were there for reasons I don't remember why I did it.
This was a sure sign to me that I needed to do what we call refactoring. Basically I decided to re-do the entire engine taking all of the learnings I had to make it into something more stable & robust. The upshot of this is that I have had my head down pretty low working on the internal guts -- I hope when 1.2 comes out to add a bunch of new/requested features but for now at minimum I want to roll out my new engine. -John

1 comment:

Mikael said...

Can I have a blog filter...please:-)

Being able to filter blog post by category would make this plugin incredibly useful since on blogger blog would appear as many when published and filtered within RW. One example would be a multilingual blog. I would only have to maintain one blog on blogger instead of 2.
