Wednesday, May 23, 2007

A note about 3.6

By the time you read this RW3.6 will have landed. I've been testing it for a while and overall I think you'll be happy with it. I wanted to comment on a few specifics with regards to my Plugins and RW3.6

  • All of my plugins should work fine with RW3.6. The one known problem is that the SiteMap plugin will not show blog archives -- I'm working on a fix and hope to have one out eventually but I wasn't able to resolve the issues around it in time. Download 1.38 or greater and enjoy trouble free sitemaps in RW3.6 and RW3.5
  • I do plan on enhancing RapidBlog to take advantage of the tag clouds

So while I have been testing against RW3.6 there is a possibility that something is not right -- If you do find a problem please let me know.

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