Friday, July 27, 2007

Looking for a few brave souls

Hello All,

I've been working on a new version of RapidBlog and I need a few folks to help me test it out. Currently I only have one other person who has been kind enough to test it and I'm ready to expand it out a bit.

Before you volunteer I need to make one thing clear. This version is not backwards compatible. What this means is after you upgrade to 1.2 you can't go back to 1.1.

While I'm commited to working with everyone to make sure it works for them please don't ask for a 1.2beta unless you are willing to 'stick with it' and are willing to have something potentially broken on your blog with the only way to fix it is for me to send you a new build.

If you are interested drop me a line using the usual channels.

1 comment:

Marco said...

hey, I'm happy to try it, no problemo.. I've been testing the 'ole rapidblog on my live website anyway, so bleh to crapping it up :)

you have my address, shoot :)