Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day with Apple Recap

It was a good, but not great, day.  Apple did their usual very good job of hosting.  The room was comfortable, the food was good, they had nice A/V setups, I got a t-shirt and there was plenty of staff (an amazing amount -- I guess they bring in the retail store employees?)

Sadly there wasn't that much that was new to me -- They billed it as advanced but I would call in intermediate at best (however in fairness I didn't go to the open GL sessions -- I'm sure those would have knocked my socks off)

My biggest complaint?  The amount of high fiving they were giving each other over how great the iPhone is.  Yes, I love my phone but the fact is for the way I use it there are some very capable devices out there that are almost as good (the new 'droid on verizon looks very nice and I still am intrigued by the pre)

At the end of the day you'll still have to pry my iPhone out of my cold dead hands but I can see a day in the not so distant future where there will be lots of choices.

Finaly on the might mouse.  It showed up today and I'm really impressed so far -- I hesitate to say too much until I've used it a few days but so far I'm really liking it.

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