Wednesday, March 15, 2006

A story of releases

I hate the release process of software.

Mind you I like actually developing software and talking to people about it, getting feedback and improving it but the process of releasing it I hate. It takes much longer than it should and I'm always worried that something was broken in the process.

The worst however is that feeling when you put something up and hold your breath for 8 hours to see if you made some huge mistake. I almost did that last night. I made a 0.9.3b6 and put it up and then started doing a bit more testing before bed (and posting to the forums that it was up)

Horrible! So many things were broken I didn't know where to start, it was late, I was tired and i was dreading re-releasing it. So I took it down, put an explanation in the change log and went to sleep.

Of course the problem was very simple and in fact a classic C mistake. I had a check and instead of using '==' to test for equality I had used '='. The check was part of my continued zealous hunt for adding error checking but it happened at a spot that had a lot of 'bad' consequences.

Anyway I'm happy to report that a proper 0.9.3b6 is up on the server. This one seems pretty solid but like i said earlier there are a LOT of changes so more so than most this one could have problems (although I think it's pretty clean at this point)

I've also put together a
of rapidflickr ideas. If you have an idea or if you use rapidflickr in a fun or interesting way send me a note and I'll add you to the list.

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