Friday, March 17, 2006


The crazy parade of Rapidflickr releases continue.

I just put up
which mostly just fixes HTML rendering. I've spent a LOT of time on rapidflickr recently and the rate of change will probably slow down a lot for a while since I've been ignoring rapidblog. If 0.9.3b7 doesn't have any major problems I'll probably call this 'version 1.0'.

When I first started Rapidflickr I had a few ideas of what I wanted.

* Robust (e.g. it makes it hard to make a mistake)
* Easy to use & predictable (e.g. hide the complexity of the flickr web services API, PHP, etc.)
* Support .mac (e.g. provide for semi-static pages)
* Support live updates (e.g. allow for a dynamic web page that's always up to date)

In fact I'm willing to share '' super-secret design documents... This is pretty much what I started with with when I was first trying to pull together this plugin... In looking through it I'm pretty happy with how close the final product is (in truth, the final product is I think better than I captured here) View the vision
(warning 1MB)

It's taken me longer than I expected but it's been really satisfying -- Thanks to everyone for all of the support. Don't get me wrong, I'm not done developing it I'm just enjoying getting (very) close to this major milestone.

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