Tuesday, January 30, 2007


Hi All,

I get a "few" emails every day about Rapidblog. Let me assure you that it is well on it's way, I'm 'feature complete' and currently working on squashing some annoying bugs and generally improving usability.

Unfortunately "Real LIfe" is raring it's head right now so progress has slowed down a bit. While I don't want to make any promises it seems to me that Rapidblog would make a great gift for your sweetheart.



Tarantino said...

Awesome! I came to the site to try to find something out just like this...

I am definitely looking forward...

Xcadinha said...

me too...

and thanks for the e-mail reply

Anonymous said...

so it I understand this right, you actually make your comments within something like blogger (where I am right now), but the comment content itself will subsequently get placed under the body of the blog on the main website?

if so, this will be much much better than haloscan!